Chimeric Curiosities

Paper miniatures of skeletons for tabletop RPGs and Wargames
Paper miniatures of Sea Elves for tabletop RPGs and Wargames
Paper miniatures to represent zombies in tabletop RPGs and Wargames
Paper miniatures to represent a Vampire Countess's deranged court in tabletop RPGs and Wargames
Paper Miniatures that you'll probably question.
Paper miniatures to represent Wood Elves in tabletop RPGs and Wargames
Paper miniatures to represent Dark Elves in tabletop RPGs and Wargames
Paper miniatures to represent Dark Dwarves in tabletop RPGs and Wargames
Paper terrain that can be printed and cut out for use in Tabletop RPGs, wargames, and other games.
Paper miniatures to represent High Elves in tabletop RPGs and Wargames
A collection of paper miniatures to represent a guild of humans reanimating corpses through forbidden sciences.
A paper miniature of a lion. Uploading this to better understand how to upload files
A paper miniature warband that includes 10 anole skirmishers in 3 poses, 3 gator-men in 2 poses, and mangrove tree.